Albie’s Story
“We played, we laughed, we danced, we explored, we lived, and it was truly magical.”
Albie’s mum
“In October 2022, at 22 months old, Albie suffered a minor seizure at home. We rushed down to our local A&E to be told a few hours later that Albie had a brain tumour. There were no warning signs, no traipsing to the GPs, or googling of symptoms – instead, Albie’s abrupt illness and diagnosis came completely out of the blue.
After several emergency operations, we learned that Albie had ATRT – a rare and aggressive brain cancer with a survival rate of around 30%. Our world as we knew it came crashing down around us.
In the months that followed, we chose to have hope and lived our lives to the fullest. Despite the aggressive and unforgiving treatment plan, we were able to enjoy some wonderful times together as a family. We played, we laughed, we danced, we explored, we lived, and it was truly magical.
Heartbreakingly, Albie passed away in October this year, almost a year to the day after his initial diagnosis.
Albie was the love of our lives. He was happy, funny, caring and simply just a joy to be around. He was full of personality and love.
Forever our beautiful and brave boy, Albie.”