Ella’s Story
“The most perfect daughter anyone could ever wish for. Forever smiling, laughing and being just her beautiful self in every single way”
Ella’s mum
“Ella Faye McCreadie, the most perfect daughter anyone could ever wish for. Forever smiling, laughing and being just her beautiful self in every single way. Her mums little bestie, her dad’s little girl and the best big sister to her two younger brothers Niall and Shay who adored her just as much.
On Friday December 9th 2022 our lives were crushed into one million pieces when Ella unexpectedly never woke from her sleep. Ella had been poorly for a few days prior with a little sickness here and there which we thought was a sickness bug.
We learned 3 months later that our precious Ella had suffered a hemorrhage from a high grade glioma peacefully as she slept. A brain tumour that we, including Ella, didn’t even know she had. Ella shown no symptoms whatsoever apart from the occasional vomiting a few days earlier. Never complained of a headache, there were no warnings, nothing!
Just 5 days previously Ella was out at her favourite place in the whole world, down the yard with her yard besties where she spent every single weekend. Riding and having huge amounts of fun with her one true love, her horse, Bliss. Ella was an extremely popular teenager, with a huge friendship group who miss her massively also. Ella lived for her friends and would always be giggling away in her bedroom on calls and chatting about boys much to her dad’s dislike!
Ella loved everything hair, nails and make up and would sit for hours watching tutorials online and then practising on herself, me and her friends. She longed to become an equestrian vet when she was older but if that didn’t work out she wanted to become a nail technician.
We still haven’t come to terms with what has happened to our truly precious daughter, I don’t think we ever will. Every day is torture without her. The pain we feel every day is excruciating.
We miss her endlessly. We will love her forever, our real life angel.”