Connor’s Story
“Childhood brain tumours are utterly devastating. The treatments are barbaric and things need to change.”
Claire, Connor’s mum
"At 13 years old, my son Connor faced the devastating diagnosis of Medulloblastoma brain cancer.
Connor was a typical, energetic, happy teenager, when he began experiencing morning headaches and persistent nausea. After countless visits to the GP, these vague symptoms culminated in a sudden downturn that led us to A&E. The memory of that day is etched in my mind forever.
A CT scan showed a substantial mass in his brain, and with the diagnosis came the heartbreaking reality of an aggressive cancer with a very poor prognosis that had already spread down his spine.
In the subsequent months, the hospital became his world, as he endured a 19-month treatment journey. This involved, 18 surgeries on both his brain and spine, countless CT and MRI scans, radiotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy, two stem cell transplants, seizures, hydrocephalus, and many medical procedures.
Despite the relentless onslaught of setbacks including ICU stays, heart failure, coma, infections, and drug-related challenges, Connor's resilience remained unstoppable. A year into his treatment, he set himself the goal of walking a marathon over a month, driven by his mantra, "Can I take one more step?" His resounding answer was always ‘yes'.
When Connors treatment ended, he relapsed almost immediately and we were told the unimaginable, ‘there is nothing more we can do, go home and make memories’.
Just 3 months later at 15 he became paralysed from the chest down, and a month later, he passed away, at home, in my arms.
Throughout his battle, Connor radiated joy, humour, resilience and strength and I know he is by my side every day pushing me to carry on, ONE MORE STEP.
Childhood brain tumours are utterly devastating. The treatments are barbaric and things need to change. Connors treatments were 50 years old, designed for adults and yet this is the only treatment available. Something needs to change."