Hannah’s Story
“Hannah has left such a hole in our hearts and is so missed, but her smile will always live on in us.”
Hannah’s mum
“It all started in February 2007 with a headache in school. Hannah came home and went to bed, then a few days later another headache. After the 3rd one in 2 weeks I took her to our GP who told us to give her paracetamol if she had another one... Just a few days Hannah had another really bad headache. This time I took her straight to the GP, they referred us to the children’s hospital clinic. Hannah was referred for a non-urgent MRI, she had the scan and we waited.
Just 2 days into our family holiday the hospital called to say could we please get to Addenbrookes ASAP. We arrived a few days later to be told she has a brain tumour and an immediate 7-hour operation ensued followed by chemotherapy and 6 week’s radiation.
We spent many months back and forth to Addenbrookes, a 2-hour drive from our home. Our whole family was pulled apart, trying to look after the other 2 children while I stayed with Hannah. It was so hard.
No matter what Hannah kept fighting. In 2012 Hannah had scoliosis and had to have major back surgery. Sadly it went wrong and she ended up losing the feeling in her left side and had to learn to walk again.
Life still went on and was good. Then sadly in 2017 just after her 18th birthday, she started to have sight problems again . We went to the doctors and then found out she had another brain tumour.. 10 years later. Our worlds fell apart again. Back to Addenbrookes for brain surgery and chemotherapy, after her 2nd round of chemo Hannah got a blood clot on her heart and went blind. Another hurdle to overcome but she kept going, she even went back to college to pass her maths GSCE. She was amazing. She had her bad days but we pulled together so much as a family. Her sister Holly and brother Benjamin were always by her side.
Sadly on 11th December 2017 with all of us by her side she peacefully passed away at home .
Hannah has left such a hole in our hearts and is so missed, but her smile will always live on in us.”