Shay’s Story
“He was an inspiration to all who met him for his courage, bravery, compassion towards others he met on his journey, and for his huge, beautiful smile that he had throughout.”
Niki, Shay’s mum
“Until November 2018, Shay was a happy, healthy, clever, kind, football-obsessed boy who loved spending time with his friends and family. He had not shown any symptoms of being unwell until one morning, he had a seizure, and a tumour was found on his brain.
After three brain surgeries in 3 weeks, one to save his life following a bleed from the biopsy, Shay was diagnosed with a grade 4 glioblastoma brain tumour and given just 12-15 months to live.
Shay underwent radiotherapy and chemo, and we spent all of our time researching any treatments that may save our precious son's life. We travelled to Germany, San Francisco and Switzerland for experimental treatment, but nothing could save him, and on 1st September 2020, Shay passed away.
Our world will forever be broken and a darker place without Shay.
Shay will be Forever 13, forever loved and forever missed. He was an inspiration to all who met him for his courage, bravery, compassion towards others he met on his journey, and for his huge, beautiful smile that he had throughout.
We have since set up Shay’s Smiles, which is a registered charity helping families of children diagnosed with terminal brain tumours and funding research to support the desperate need for a cure.
This is Shay's legacy.”