Evie’s Story
“Watching every part of Evie slowly fade away, was torture, but still, her humour stayed. Her last word, 'bum', says it all.”
Evie’s mum
“Evie Alexandra Rose Dove, the most beautiful, sassy, funny, cheeky, loving girl... with enviable golden blonde locks, who truly adored life: her birthdays, Halloween and especially Christmas. She saw the good in everyone. She was always positive, happy, and with her whole life ahead of her.
She adored her brother Teddy. They were best friends, never left each other's sides, occasionally irritated each other, but each other’s 'bubs'. My bestest friend, my soul mate and daddy's girl.
Evie had never been ill, only tonsillitis at three years old; she didn't even get COVID! No headaches, no warning signs, nothing.
She was becoming the normal argumentative, hormonal, forgetful teenager.
Our lives changed forever on 1/4/21, a seizure completely out of the blue. An urgent CT scan confirmed it; I’ll never forget the words, “I am so sorry we have found something on the right-hand side of her brain.”
She was rushed to hospital, where they confirmed she had a brain tumour. The results were bad, a grade 4 Glioblastoma. However, we lived in rebellious hope and prayed they would fix her.
Her 13th and final birthday was epic, a party in the garden in the sunshine with all her friends and family.
Her final Halloween, our final holiday to the Lake District and our final Christmas together. None without problems, headaches, and sickness. But she adored life and was determined to enjoy every moment.
Our last few weeks were in our home. It was brutal, watching our beautiful girl slowly lose the ability to walk, to move, to smile and to talk. We organised for everyone to come and say “see you soon". We arranged her funeral, cremation, and christening whilst she was still here. I don't know how we did it.
I don't have words for the last few weeks. What we went through, watching every part of Evie slowly fade away, was torture, but still, her humour stayed. Her last word, 'bum', says it all.
She died quietly in our arms at home.
Forever loved, forever missed, forever in our hearts.”